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2010-07-25 09:29:03      来源:水暖阀门网   





Flange Ball Valves法兰球阀
Flange Gate Valves法兰闸阀
Flange Globe Valves法兰截止阀
Lift Check Valves升降式止回阀
Vertical Lift Check Valves立式止回阀
Wafer Check Valves对夹式止回阀
Wafer plate valves对夹蝶板阀
Throttle Valves节流阀
Safety Valves安全阀
Angle Throttle Valves角式节流阀
Angle Type Globe Valves门角式截止阀
Ash valves排灰阀
Aspirating valves吸(抽)气阀
Auxiliary valves辅助(副)阀
Balance valves平衡阀
Bellows valves波纹管阀
Blowdown valves泄料(放空,排污)阀
Brake valves制动阀
Butterfly Type Non-slam Check蝶式缓冲止回阀
Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator蜗轮传动蝶阀
Buttwelding valves对焊连接阀
Clamp valves对夹式阀门
Combination valves组合阀
CQ Thread Ball Valves CQ螺纹球阀
Culvert valves地下管道阀
Deceleration valves减速阀
Diaphragm Valves隔膜阀
Decompression valves泄压阀
Double Disc Flat Gate Valves双闸板平板闸阀
Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves明杆平行式双闸板闸板
Double Opening Exhaust Valves双口排气球
Drainage valves排水阀
Electric Actuated Stop Valves电动截止阀
Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves电动楔式闸阀
Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves电动平行式双闸板闸板
Emergeny Cut-off Valves紧急切断阀
Exhaust valves排气阀
Free Float Type Steam Trap浮球式疏水阀
Gauge Valves仪表阀
Hand-operated valves手动阀
Hard Seal Butterfly Valves金属密封碟阀
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves高温高压电站闸阀
High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves高温高压电站截止阀
Hydraulic relay valves液压继动阀
Limit valves限位阀
Lining Ball Valves衬里球阀
Lining Butterfly Valves衬里碟阀
Lining Check Valves衬里止回阀
Lining Cock衬里二通
Lining Globe Valves衬里截止阀
Lining T-Cock Valves衬里三通旋塞阀
Liquid Indicator液位计
LPG Pipe Fitting液化气管件
Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves磁耦合截止阀
Magnetism Forle Pumps磁力泵
Manual Oil Pumps Valves手摇油泵(阀)
Meter Needle Type Globe Valves仪表针形截止阀
Oblique Stop Valves直流式截止阀
Parallel Slide Valves浆液阀
Pintle valve针形阀
Piping Centrifugal Pumps管道离心泵
Plunger valves柱塞阀
Pressure valve压力(増压)阀
Piping Pumps管道泵
Piping Safety Valves管道安全阀
Plunger Globe Valves柱塞截止阀
Quick Draining Valves快速排污阀
Restrictor Valves过流阀(或节流阀)
Screw Pumps螺杆泵
Scum Gate Valves排渣闸阀
Solenoid valves电磁阀
Single Disc Flat Gate Valves单闸板平板闸阀
Single Opening Exhaust Valves单口排气球
Slurry Pumps泥浆泵
Air valves空气阀门Angle Stop valves角式截止阀
Submerged Motor Pumps潜水电泵(排污泵)
Swing Check Valves旋启式止回阀
Swing Check Valves旋启式止回阀
Tank Lorry Ball Valves槽车球阀
Thin Gate Valves薄型闸阀
Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves微阻缓闭止回阀
Triple (tee) valves三通阀
Two-way valves二通阀
Under Water Pumps液下泵
Vacuum Pumps水力喷射器(真空泵)
Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning对夹式衬胶蝶阀
Waste Valves排污箱(阀)
Water Seal Gate Valves水封闸阀
Wedge Gate Valves楔式闸阀
Y Type and Cylinder Filters Y型筒型过滤器